Measuring & Developing Chakras
Ancient Phyilosophy
According to Eastern Hindu principles of Ayurvedic medicine, still effective after 5000 years; there are seven integrated energy centers called "Chakras" that transform into physical, mental, emotional and spiritual expressions, directly affecting our well-being.
Our chakras work together as one system, yet function independently as well. Chakra means wheel or disk, and may also be described as a vortex of energy, positioned or embedded into the spinal column at various locations. Starting at the coccyx and rising to the crown of the head, each chakra resonates at a different frequency level, attracting like frequencies. Most everyone is familiar with the term "Karma", which is the energetic reaction of our thoughts and actions, attracting the same frequency. Every sensation is part of a conversation between our brain and our bodies' physiology. At a subtle level, these signals aren’t purely physical but relate to meaningful parts of our lives.
New Technology
It is now possible to quantifiably estimate the energy and location of each chakra and graphically display their activation, using the latest in Electro Photonic Imaging. The non-invasive scans provide real-time evaluations of each of our chakras. Ideally, when we feel we are in the balanced, harmonious flow of life, our chakras will be aligned within a narrow margin, along either side of our spinal column.
You can determine your relative strength or vulnerability for each of the aspects listed below, as you examine the scan of your chakras. In this way, you map your “energy flow” so that you know how to improve where you feel challanged (physically, mentally, or emotionally) and expand where you feel strong. This can be a very practical approach to enriching our lives and feeling whole.
You might find it quite interesting how the chakras fit into our daily life. To give us a sense of this, let's take a moment to realize what ancient traditions have discovered about the significance of each of our chakras. There are many attributes that are utilized by different chakras, like Wisdom, Will and Self Expression, to name a few.

When we are "in the flow" of life, (as with the woman's chakra alignment above), everything seems to fall into place,
at times even better than we expected. This invisible energy, is our vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy and emotionally secure and in balance.
We've all experienced the opposite at one time or another. The primary difference is how we think, act and feel in every situation. During times when we feel challenged or a little scattered, our chakras reflect those areas. (see chart below)
Everyone’s chakras fluctuate, but the more we become centered, harmony replaces frustration, intuition is heightened,
we become more confident, more creative, more heart centered, communication improves, we connect with our higher selves,
we experience the interconnectedness of all life and increase our spiritual awareness.

There’s more insight I'd like to share. According to Hindu tradition;
First chakra (base of the spine): This is your foundation, or grounding. When in balance, the first chakra gives you a sense of physical security, safety, and feeling centered. People who feel well-supported have a strong first chakra.
Second chakra (sacrum): This is your source of pleasure, creativity, and sexual energy. When in balance, the second chakra makes life enjoyable. People who are enthusiastic and can accept pleasure naturally, without excess, addiction, or inhibition, have a strong second chakra.
Third chakra (navel/solar plexus): Commonly called the power chakra, the third chakra converts energy into physical form, beginning with good digestion and hormonal balance. When in balance, this chakra makes you feel empowered and able to bring your intentions to fruition. People who have self-confidence and self-esteem are strong in the third chakra.
Fourth chakra (heart): The subtle or spiritual qualities of love, compassion and empathy are governed by the fourth chakra. When in balance, this charka is soothing, comforting and nourishing. People who are warm-hearted, sympathetic and loving have a strong fourth chakra.
Fifth chakra (throat): The fifth chakra is about communication and expression. When in balance, this chakra allows you to express yourself with a sense of safety and confidence. People who can speak their truth and think clearly have a strong fifth chakra.
Sixth chakra (forehead): The sixth chakra traditionally sits like a “third eye” that gives inner vision and access to higher or spiritual reality. When in balance, this chakra allows for intuition and insight. People who trust their inner perceptions have a strong sixth chakra, with the added potential for wisdom and a powerful spiritual life.
Seventh chakra (top of head): Commonly called the “crown” chakra, the seventh chakra is the connection to pure consciousness. When in balance, this chakra gives the individual knowledge that increases universal awareness. People who experience states of unity consciousness have a strong seventh chakra.
Psychological Awareness
Most of our internal programs and associations that give our experiences meaning, are programs written into our
sub-conscious before we were seven years old. Many of our programs were either provided for us by our parents
or were coded by our very young and inexperienced reaction to what we perceived as a threat. Unfortunately, it causes us to react or overreact based upon preconceived notions, that may not have any real basis of truth later in our lives or in a different situation.
Now the question becomes, how can we rewrite our own programs to get the results and create the experiences
we truly want? Understanding the mental and emotional aspects of our chakras provide us with this great insight.
When physical or emotional energy is blocked, unbalanced or thwarted ...effectiveness, creativity and joy are lessened. Conversely, when your energy is increased, improved, enlivened, stimulated or balanced, we enjoy an atmosphere of enthusiasm and positive feelings of growth and well-being. We all know from personal experience that "happiness energy" is good for us.
Discovering What Works
We can compare evaluations of different products, treatments and therapies. In the chart below, two scans were initiated, one prior to meditation and one following a short 15-minute meditation. The results speak for themselves.

Improving Awareness & Alignment
Gaining awareness and understanding of your individual chakras, and focusing on the ones that,are out of balance, is key to aligning them. Our bodies are in constant flux between balance and imbalance. Unless you have an apparent problem in one area of the body, imbalances can be difficult to detect on your own.
The key words listed above, such as security, power, love, and insight, are active potentials in your own awareness. By focusing your attention for a few minutes every day on each chakra, you will subtly encourage the qualities it stands for. Some people find it beneficial to sit with closed eyes and place their hands on the seat of each chakra as they pay attention to it.
As you become aware of what feels good or "right" to you energetically, and what does not, you'll notice that your subtle energy will
increase, from the new choices you've made.
One of the simplest ways to gain insight and improve your awareness is to evaluate your scan and contemplate the significance of each chakra while you focus on how you are feeling. Once you gain a better understanding, your thought process will lead to a shift in your consciousness which will create a lasting impact.
Subsequent scans will show your progress, empowering the subtle levels of life where your hidden potentials can be activated,
creating a heightened sense of fulfillment.